Hi LupusChicks! It’s safe to say we are all in new territory and when it comes to Lupus, COVID-19 and Plaquenil, information is changing each day. Below you will find a list of resources and news topics that are current as of today, March 23, 2020.
I’ll be on Newsmax this Thursday, March 26 at 535 p.m. regarding the topics found below.
My goal is to update this information for you regularly, as many of you have questions. As of today, we have received over 150 messages regarding many of you not being able to locate any Plaquenil at local pharmacies. Hundreds more have commented on our social pages. If you are on Instagram, please like our LupusChickOfficial page as I have been doing IG Lives with NYC-based rheumatologist, Dr. Maggie Cadet. She has been a wealth of information regarding updates, symptoms, medical advice, etc.
- A piece I worked on today regarding a first-hand experience with Plaquenil, quotes and information on the drug’s mechanism of action in the body with both Lupus and COVID-19 from UMASS Medical School Professor and Researcher, Jillian Richmond. Also, quotes and advice from Dr. Cadet, information on shortages, tips, etc.:
The Plaquenil, COVID-19, Lupus Connection: “This drug saves lives, I’m living proof…”
2. Many of you have asked how people without a positive COVID-19 test or underlying rheumatic disease are filling prescriptions for Plaquenil. This article shares how Ohio’s Pharmacy Board has banned to dispensing of this drug to people who do not fall into either of the above categories, calling the practice the medical equivalent of “hoarding toilet paper.” Read the article here:
Ohio pharmacy board restricts prescriptions for experimental coronavirus treatment drugs
3. Other States are now following suit with Ohio, according to CNN:
States try to stop hoarding of possible coronavirus treatments
4. Pharmaceutical companies Teva, Novartis and Mylan are all working towards either donating Plaquenil/Hydroxychloroquine, manufacturing more, etc. Read more here.
5. The World Health Organization has started a massive trial called SOLIDARITY in which four drugs – one being Hydroxychloroquine – will be tested against COVID-19 – https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/03/who-launches-global-megatrial-four-most-promising-coronavirus-treatments
6. The Lupus Foundation of America has sent out announcements on the shortages:
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