Cooking brings me to my happy place. And baking? Well, let’s just say it helps me keep my sanity. Being in my kitchen and concentrating on recipe creation and production takes me out of my current reality for a little while. Plus, I love the photography part and setting the stage once the final product is ready.
This past week, I decided to play around with some banana bread recipe creations. I am a sucker for banana bread, but unfortunately cannot eat many variations as they often contain nuts, dairy and gluten. So, after a few tries, I created this incredible banana, chocolate chip recipe that is moist, gooey and gluten/diary free!

About to go in the oven!
Let’s get to it, LupusChicks. First, when combining the ingredients, I used my Ninja food processor (I’m pretty obsessed with my Ninja system) rather than a blender. This helped the consistency of the mix become very smooth. Also, the riper your bananas are, the more the taste will come through in your final product.
I also wanted to add something special to this bread since it is lacking nuts. So, I created a crumbly streusel for the topping and then, after it cooled, added sliced bananas as a final touch. By the way, do NOT skip the streusel – it seriously makes this bread go from good to amazing!
I was really excited by the final product in terms of texture, moisture and shape. Now it was time to taste it. Oh-m-gee folks…it was delicious! And I will warn you, it won’t last long. Between me, the hubby, my mom, (and yes, my dog), it lasted one night.
And now I know why my pants aren’t fitting…
Other helpful tips when making this are to pay attention when buying chocolate baking chips. There are several brands that are dairy free and come in mini and regular size. I prefer Enjoy Life’s chocolate chip options. I also used Bob’s Red Mill for the all-purpose gluten free flour. Last but not least, I added ground flaxseeds and my favorite collagen powder from Further Food to pump up the protein count in this bread and balance out the sugar!
So, here is the final product. I am super excited with how it turned out and I hope you enjoy the heck out it!
Until next time, LupusChicks,

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