Hey LupusChicks!! I am so excited to share a FREE ONLINE 7-day Lupus and Autoimmunity Summit that you can sign up for right now!
The Lupus and Autoimmunity Summit is a free online weeklong event designed to give hope to those with Lupus and other Autoimmune conditions. It is going to be packed with valuable information from some incredibly knowledgeable speakers in the field of functional medicine. It could be a great educational resource for anyone with lupus and other autoimmune diseases, and will lead individuals to seek support and take action with a more natural approach!
Here is date and the line-up for the Lupus Summit:
Dates: October 21st – 27th, 2019
The goal of The Lupus & Autoimmunity Summit is to educate, inspire, spread hope and share solutions with those diagnosed or suspecting an autoimmune disease. Anyone diagnosed with lupus, suspecting lupus or with a family member, friend or loved one with this disease will learn simple ways to improve and or regain health!
Day 1: Understanding Autoimmunity
Speakers: Tiffany Caplan, Datis Kharrazian, Tom O’Bryan, Terry Wahls
Day 2: Environmental Triggers to Autoimmunity
Speakers: Jill Carnahan, Christine Schaffner, Bridget Danner, Sachin Patel, Lloyd Burrell
Day 3: Hacking Your Health
Speakers: Michelle Sands, Dan Pompa, Jodi Cohen, Jonathan Bailer, Connie Jeon
Day 4: Gut Autoimmune Connection
Speakers: Patha Nandi, Inna Topiler, Grace Liu, Todd Watts
Day: Emotional Healing and Self- Care
Speakers: Niki Gatrix, Misty Williams, Keesha Ewers, Phaedra Antioco
Day 6: Mysterious Symptoms and Associated Conditions
Speakers: Jay Davidson, Ryan Wohlfert, Kasia Kines, Rodger Murphee
Day 7: Guide to Food for Autoimmunity
Speakers: Brent Caplan, Peter Osborne, Sarah Ballantyne, Brooke Goldner, Mickey Trescott
A note from the hosts, Dr’s Tiffany and Brent Caplan:
We created this summit to inspire, educate, guide and support those suffering from Lupus and give hope to those not yet diagnosed. One of my (Dr. Tiffany) family members was diagnosed and we quickly found there was not any good non-allopathic information out there. We have worked with many patients with Lupus and have now made it our mission to bring natural solutions for Lupus to the front lines. We look forward to having you along!

SIGN UP HERE FOR FREE! And when you sign up here you can receive a FREE Lupus and Autoimmunity Recipe Guide.

Or, SIGN UP FOR THE SUMMIT HERE FOR FREE and receive a FREE Underlying Causes of Autoimmune disease checklist and information.
I can’t wait to see you there! OXOX Marisa, A.k.a. LupusChick!
Is there any way to listen to this week in archives?
I believe you can click on it and purchase the archives. I don’t work for them or with them but wanted to share it because it was such a neat event and great for people with autoimmune disease, but I do remember them saying you could buy it after the fact. XO marisa