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Affirmations for Depression: 5 You Can Use Today

October 3, 2020

Cassandra Ewert

Affirmations for Depression

It’s hard to overcome depression. Let’s face it — it’s hard to even get out of bed or brush your teeth when you’re depressed.

However, you probably have moments of clarity where your depression takes a pause, and that’s when you should take advantage and look for other ways to manage your symptoms. One great way to do this is by using affirmations.

What are Affirmations?

An affirmation is simply a word or phrase that you repeat (silently or out loud) that puts you in a different mindset. They’re used for many purposes, but they really help to bring more positive energy into your mind and your life. The kind of positive energy you need when you’re feeling trapped by your depression.

Affirmations are generally phrases or statements of things you want to become true in your life, or things you’re working towards becoming.

There have been studies to show that your subconscious mind doesn’t always understand past and present, so by repeating these phrases of what you’re striving to become to yourself, you often bring in that positive energy, and then it helps you make it a reality.

If nothing else, they can help you get through some really bad depressive moments until you are able to get other help with your depression.

Examples of Affirmations for Depression

Affirmations can be anything you want to repeat to yourself that bring in positive thoughts or help you to be more mindful. It might take a little time before you find the ones that work best for you specifically, but a good place to start is with words or phrases that shift your mindset to feeling good about yourself and your life, even if you don’t quite feel that way in this moment.

Here are some examples:

  • I feel connected and close to the people I love.
  • My life matters.
  • I will become a healthy and strong person.
  • I love myself and my life.
  • I am important and valuable.
  • I know I can accomplish anything I set my mind to.
  • I believe in, trust and have confidence in myself.

Tips for Using Affirmations

The key to using affirmations for depression is to use them consistently. The more you repeat these affirmations to yourself, the more you will begin to believe them.

Absorb the words and feel them deep in your mind and body.

Eventually, you will come to think more positive thoughts and less negative thoughts, which can help you cope with depression, along with the other treatment options you have.

In closing, while affirmations are a beneficial part of anyone’s life, it is also important to speak to your physician or a therapist if you are experiencing symptoms of depression. If you are experiencing extreme feelings of distress and need someone to speak to right away, the National Suicide Hotline is open 24 hours a day – 800-273-8255.

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