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Best Questions to Ask Your Doctor

April 3, 2015

Marisa Zeppieri

There are so many difficulties that surround finding a doctor and getting an accurate diagnosis for the condition(s) that you may have. What is most important about this entire process is asking the right questions and taking action of what is going on in your body.

Doctors know a lot about the medical world, but they do not always know everything about you or what is best for you. You need to be able to voice your thoughts and get the help you need.

Here is some advice for what type of questions you should approach your doctor(s) with:

1.) How does this autoimmune disease affect my body?

 If you are in the midst of dealing with a disease like lupus, you have a lot on your mind and you may have difficulty knowing where to start. Since everyone has their own unique symptoms, your doctors are your best source of information and you have every right to ask them questions about what is exactly going on in your body.

2.) What medications do you recommend? How do they work? 

 It is important to get your head around what exactly you will be putting in your body and how it will help with the symptoms you are experiencing. You also want to be aware of the side effects and how the medication will impact your day-to-day life. Also, it may be wise to get information on some alternatives paths you can take if they do not work. 

3.) If my symptoms improve, can I stop taking medication?

It is critical for you to listen to your doctor and to make sure if it is ok or not to stop taking certain medications or treatments. Do not just assume that since your body is “feeling better” that you are in fact 100% back to being healthy.

4.) Should I see a specialist?

A specialist may be able to give you the best care you need. If you have the financial ability you may want to ask for someone who specializes in the chronic condition you are currently diagnosed with.

Bottom Line

The questions you have in mind may not be on the list above, but that does not mean you can’t ask it! You should be able to trust your doctor and get helpful answers in return.

If your doctor is not giving you the information you need, seek someone else; either a specialist, or turn to people online who may be going through similar struggles as you are. The lupus chick community will gladly give you the feedback that you may need!

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